Preserve the public mission and character of the University of Oregon!

FlyerPrivatization / Corporatization of University of Oregon

A Done Deal?

The Oregon Education Investment Board promotes privatization of UO in its report Oregon Learns with a goal to “develop legislation for independent boards for universities that opt to establish them.”

UO Interim President Berdahl wants to privatize UO, “to advance the project of gaining an independent governing board for the UO” seeking “the freedom to act in ways that are constrained by the current governance structure” because it “is essential if we are to successfully recruit outstanding faculty.”

The claim that we are lax in compensating faculty seems exaggerated.

  • In 2011 UO faculty and administrators were given a 7% salary increase, over $10,000 a year for some of them.

The UO found the money for raises for the wealthiest employees while those with the least power and influence are not so fortunate.

  • Those on the lower ranks of salary, the staff, have been asked to take furlough days and pay a larger share of their health care.
  • Graduate students, who teach about 1/3 of all instructional FTE at UO, can expect UO to claim poverty when the GTFF bargains for a salary increase of half the amount UO gave to the wealthiest.
  • Tuition for graduate students has increased 35% since 2007.

Preserve the public mission and character of the university.

To contact your legislator to oppose the corporatization of UO,

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To sign a petition in opposition to the privatization of UO, please check out:


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